Growers & makers

Andrew Jackson

Andrew rears happy hens and produces rich organic eggs at Model Farm, Wiltshire, on the edge of the Cotswolds.

“We believe that our eggs should be good for you, good for our hens, and good for the land,” says Andrew. “At the heart of this philosophy is the welfare of our hens.” The birds live across the farm in several small flocks, and are kept happy and healthy with a rich natural diet (free from GM, chemical or hormone additives), and with plenty of access to the outdoors.

Their sustainability goes beyond organic. They’re also working to reduce their carbon footprint by using solar energy, and save excess eggs from going to waste by making their own mayonnaise.

Model Farm is a traditional mixed farm. Their hens, free to roam in organic pastures, naturally fertilise the ground as they go – making it even easier to grow lots of grass for their small herds of Dorset Down sheep and Sussex cattle.

Hopes for the future include building on agroforestry and permaculture principles to enrich the hens’ environment with trees and other plants, creating natural shelter for the birds as well as sequestering carbon and boosting soil health.

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