Growers & makers

Bold Bean Co

Bold Bean Co are on a mission to make you obsessed with beans, by giving you the best of beans. They source the best tasting beans on the planet and cook them in a slow, delicate way, to preserve their delicious, natural flavour and texture. Tender and creamy, just try and resist eating them straight from the jar!

Founder Amelia’s bean obsession started, unexpectedly, on a hangover whilst living in Spain. With hunger pangs and nothing else in her basement flat, she spooned an heirloom butter bean straight from the jar. This was the first time she tasted a boldly brilliant bean. Years later, after working with top London chefs in the sustainable food sector, she realised how incredible beans were from a sustainability, health and culinary perspective. She decided she needed to make people as obsessed with beans as she was, and so, Bold Bean Co was born.

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