
£3.15 / x2


We carefully select a variety called Star Ruby, famed for its dark pink flesh and fantastic flavour. It’s also wonderfully juicy – ideal if you like to squeeze your own juice for breakfast. Really high in vitamin C, colourful and zesty – a brilliant fresh fruit to add to your plate.

Organic citrus is unwaxed, so you can use the zest to add fragrance and colour to all manner of drinks, salads, dressings and cooked dishes. Peel and zest can be shredded and added to a pan of marmalade too, if you’re making a batch.

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Country of origin

Produced in
  • South Africa

UK Seasonality

We source our grapefruit throughout the year from our grower friends in France, Spain, Sicily and South Africa. We never air freight.
Squeeze with two apples and two carrots for a punchy bright orange juice
- Riverford Cooks


Best stored in a cool room or the bottom shelf of a fridge. Like lemons, grapefruits cannot be ripened once picked.

Grapefruit recipes

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