Cherry tomatoes Grown by Paco Lozano at Motril, Spain

£3.60 / 250g

Sweet, deep flavoured cherry tomatoes bursting with juice.

We grow organic cherry tomatoes for flavour, trialling, testing and tasting until we find the best varieties. We grow the Sikura and Cheramy varieties in our own polytunnels, and our friend Paco in Spain grows Racymo - all chosen for their sweet, deep flavour and refreshing, juicy bite.

Local isn’t always best! When our own tomato season is over or we can’t grow quite enough here in the UK, we truck over naturally sun-ripened ones from our friend Paco in Spain. This uses just a tenth of the carbon compared with growing them in the UK using artificial heat.

Country of origin

Produced in
  • Spain

UK Seasonality

Our season lasts from June to mid September. The rest of the year tomatoes come from our Spanish growers. Using cold tunnels, we can extend the season from June to mid October, which is as far as we go at Riverford. Under heated glass, tomatoes can be picked from March to Christmas but the energy used results in about 2 kilos of carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere for every kilo of tomatoes produced. Where waste or low-grade heat is used from combined heat and power electricity generation or other sources, it can make sense, but generally, if we must eat tomatoes earlier than July or later than October, from a taste and environmental perspective it would be better to import them. Better still, just give them a miss in their fresh form from November to April.
Great to eat cherry tomatoes with a rich, ripe flavour
- Ged, Riverford customer

How to prepare

Use fresh in salads or add to sauces, soups and savoury dishes. For cherry tomato pasta, throw in a tray with a splash of olive oil, garlic and herbs and roast until sweet and sticky. Turn through the cooked pasta of your choice, sliver over some Parmesan and you’re done.


Delivered from our farm, so wash before cooking. Store at room temperature if you’ll be eating them within 2-3 days, for the best flavour. If you need them to last longer, keep them in the fridge.


Our cherry tomatoes are sold as class 2. This means that they might not look cosmetically perfect, but they are grown for the very best flavour.

  • Paco Lozano on his farm in Spain.

    Grown by Paco Lozano, Motril, Spain

    Paco Lozano runs EcoSur along with his three brothers and has been working with Riverford for over ten years. They grow many of our tomatoes as well as mini watermelons, organic papaya, aubergines, a rainbow of pepper varieties and our first spring flush of french beans.

Cherry tomatoes recipes

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