Savoy cabbage Grown by Riverford on Wash Farm at Buckfastleigh, Devon

£2.45 / x1


Never mind the latest superfood; we believe in the redemptive power of the cabbage. Savoy is one of our favourites – the slowest growing variety, but well worth it, with deep-green, crinkly, loosely furled leaves. It has a robust texture and flavour, and is good in soups and stews, stuffed, roasted in wedges, or simply boiled and buttered.

Country of origin

Produced in
  • The UK

UK Seasonality

In season from July to March. At its very best between October and February.
Bubble and squeak must be one of the best uses for leftover cabbage. Eat with eggs or bacon
- Riverford cooks

How to prepare

Discard any damaged outer leaves and the central core. To make the prep easier, roll up two or three outer leaves into a sausage shape and slice them together. Finely shred the cabbage, and fry with a little butter and whole caraway seeds until it starts to wilt. Dress with a light splash of cider vinegar just before serving. Or try adding shredded leaves to a stir-fry; they’ll only take a few minutes, and are best slightly underdone.

People rarely think to roast cabbage, but it works wonders. Savoy is a good candidate; the edges should be lightly crisp and burnt, but the middle soft and tender. Remove any large, loose outer leaves, and cut the cabbage into 8 equal wedges. Brush with oil, season well, and roast in a medium oven for 15 mins, turning once to colour evenly. Add some white wine or cider and bake for another 10-15 mins, turning once, until tender. Some crispy bacon, and a swirl of mustard, cream and parsley would make this truly indulgent.


Keep in the fridge or a cool veg rack. It will last up to a fortnight.

Savoy cabbage recipes

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