Pic of Apple, almond & thyme tarte tartin

Apple, almond & thyme tarte tartin

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Apple, almond & thyme tarte tartin

Pudding & Cake Serves 6 1h 15 min

Caramel, apple and pastry combine to make this classic French dessert. We’ve added flaked almonds into the pastry mix and filling for extra flavour, and a touch of thyme to the filling for a fresh herby hit.

Cook's notes

The pastry can be made in advance and kept in the fridge until you’re ready.


For the pastry:

  • 200g butter
  • 200g plain white flour, sieved
  • 30g flaked almonds
  • ice cold water

For the filling:

  • 85g caster sugar
  • 60g unsalted butter
  • 6 apples, peeled & cored
  • 20g flaked almonds
  • pinch of salt
  • small sprig of thyme
Image of Apple, almond & thyme tarte tartin


Prep time: 40 min
Cooking time: 35 min

To make the pastry:

  • Step 1

    Cut cold butter into small cubes. Transfer to a bowl with the flour and flaked almonds. Rub together with your fingers until rough breadcrumbs are formed. Add a tiny splash of water and combine until a rough dough is formed. Add more water if needed, but use as little as possible: the dryer the dough, the flakier the pastry will be. Cover and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

  • Step 2

    Remove from fridge and transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface. Roll out the pastry in one direction until it’s tripled in length, then fold the top half to the centre, and then fold the bottom half to the top. Rotate 90 degrees and repeat. Return to the fridge for another 10 minutes (it can stay refrigerated for 3 days at this point).

To make the tarte tatin:

  • Step 1

    Put the sugar into a non-stick pan and heat over a gentle heat. Cook until it goes dark brown, being careful not to let it burn, then remove from heat. Add the butter and mix until it’s incorporated.

  • Step 2

    Chop the cored apples into thirds, so that you have three even pieces, each with a round edge to it. Add them to the caramel mixture with a pinch of salt, the flaked almonds and the leaves from spring of thyme.

  • Step 3

    Line an 8" ovenproof dish with greaseproof paper, or use a non-stick tart tin if you have one. Arrange the apples in a circle around the outside of the dish or tart tin, with the round side down. Then repeat to make a smaller circle inside the first, and repeat again until you reach the middle.

  • Step 4

    Roll out your pastry as thinly as possible, then cut a circle slightly larger than the circumference of your dish or tin, and place it on top of the apples.

  • Step 5

    Bake in a preheated oven (180°C/Gas 6) for 35 minutes. When cooked, the pastry should be lovely and brown and feel crisp to the touch. Allow to cool, then upturn onto a serving plate. Serve with crème fraîche or vanilla ice cream.

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